Monday, January 17, 2011


Okay, so I left the states two weeks ago today, arriving at the site two days later.  I had great intentions of sharing my experiences with family, friends, and other interested parties while I was in Kenya this time.  I can blame part of my failure to do that on the fact that we did not have electrical power for six of those days.  (There is a generator which ran a couple of hours each morning and about 4 hours each evening.)  So that's not a great excuse.  I think what happens is that I would just rather be doing things than writing about things.  Several people have strongly encouraged me to blog, and I just feel like I am being selfish if I don't share these experiences with others.  So thanks for coming along on my journey.  Certainly things will be out of order as I reflect back on the two weeks, but then again, the blog will probably be just random thoughts so order doesn't particularly matter.   

1 comment:

  1. thank you for making this blog! I think that a paragraph isn't too much to ask for, I agree with the whole, would rather be doing it than writing about it thing. LOVE YOU!!!!
